
Morketing每日监测1.13:中消协点名肯德基;TikTok去年广告收入近40亿美元;「元气森林」月内连开 3 家公司;抖音布局产地仓业务

Claire  · 2022-01-12 16:48

【摘要】 每日营销监测

一、  品牌






2022 年 1 月,蜜雪冰城子品牌「幸运咖」门店数已突破 500 家,比半年前的 200 家翻了一倍。2017 年蜜雪冰城开始孵化咖啡项目并推出了“幸运咖”,定位为县城小镇的平价咖啡,价格集中于 5-15 元,主攻下沉城市的大学城、步行街、商场等,以加盟模式拓展市场。

「元气森林」月内连开 3 家公司

1 月 10 日,「元气森林」成立有矿(厦门)食品科技有限公司、外星人(厦门)食品有限公司;1 月 4 日,「元气森林」成立轻巧拿(合肥)科技有限公司,经营范围包含计算机软硬件及辅助设备零售、大气污染监测及检测仪器仪表销售、自动售货机销售等。以上公司均由元气森林全资持股。




二、  互联网平台



TikTok 在 2021 年的广告收入达到近 40 亿美元(约 254.6 亿元)。多位销售人士称,新一年的目标是实现至少三倍增长,即销售额至少要达到 120 亿美元(约 763.7 亿元),这与百度 2020 年的广告收入相当。一位字节跳动人士称,TikTok 现在已有上千名销售人员,主要集中在北美地区。




微信一项新功能——折叠朋友圈图片日前悄然上线。根据观察后发现,部分朋友圈的内容、图片会被微信自动折叠,同时,当一个人连续发布多条广告时,还会被折叠在一个集合页中。对于这项功能,网友纷纷点赞表示:“ 微商噩梦 ” “ 微商终结者 ”,也有网友称,“ 这下,朋友圈终于干净了。”不过,目前该功能应该还在小范围灰度测试中,会有部分用户还无法体验。









三、  服务机构



阳狮集团旗下创意代理商百比赫(BBH)宣布任命Alex Grieve为全球首席创意官(包括伦敦办公室及worldwide),他将从AMV BBDO离任,回归百比赫并于4月1日正式出任这一职位,接替即将卸任的Joakim Borgström。截至发稿,后者没有表明新的工作动向。 

四、  案例




1 月 10 日,北京 2022 年冬奥会官方赞助商青岛啤酒携手偶像朱正廷、王晰、金子涵推出冬奥助威 MV《举杯来加油》。



Prada 开启 2022 虎年行动


2022 中国生肖虎年之际,Prada 推出「虎年行动」广告片与特别项目。
















Media owners today risk losing control of one of their most precious assets. The parasitic nature of certain ad tech is back, as some players try to pull control of resources and assets away from media brands. This time, they’re threatening the very essence of intellectual property: content.

Content is at the heart of media owners’ DNA. It’s a window to the soul of the audience, their preferences and interests. And it’s the gateway to the new frontier of targeting and data: context. Without the availability of content, many contextual products and by-products cannot exist.

But to gather these all-important and essential contextual signals, some ad tech players aren’t quite playing fairly. Increasingly, they’re extracting and using publishers’ intellectual property and assets outside existing legal agreements. 


Two types of context hijacking

Contextual intelligence and targeting are the most visible examples of content being hijacked. For many, contextual targeting has always been a complement to audience targeting. For others, it is the new shiny go-to in the race to substitute audience targeting.

In the era predating privacy crackdowns (GDPR, CPPA/CPRA and others), some ad tech players profited from data leakage and the exploitation of media owners for value and assets extraction. The same players that took advantage of this unintended availability of user data are engaging in context harvesting today. 

But, if the right strategic choices are made, new privacy regulations are a lifeline for media owners. The new rules offer protection, enabling publishers to control and monetize their first-party user data along with their contextual assets. 

A less evident use case is the exploitation of content and context as tools to create look-alike models and scale up third-party data products. In a simplified example, “Netflix crime watchers” are observed within a panel and associated with consumption patterns and media brand preferences. An ad tech company then crawls the internet – some have their tags on millions of websites and apps globally – and bingo! They can now profile “Netflix crime watchers” whose behavioral patterns match those of the panelists and sell the segment to advertisers.  

The kicker? The advertisers will then serve campaigns on the very media properties whose assets the segment was built on. In both of these situations, ad tech is keeping 100% of the value. 

Once I asked one of those ad tech companies if media owners were aware of the crawling. The answer was: “They can always ask for non-indexing.” Basically, the onus is on media owners to opt out. How many media owners have the knowledge, resources and time to check and act on that?


站在品牌建设的角度思考:DTC品牌Adore Me的媒体矩阵是怎样多样化的?


Moving away from traditional performance marketing social channels has recently been top of mind for women’s underwear company, Adore Me. Late last year, the New York-based direct-to-consumer brand made a major push toward a more extensive marketing strategy, layering more digital and streaming video into the media mix.

“Clearly, diversification from Facebook and rising acquisition costs are at the top of mind for every marketer,” said Ranjan Roy, vp of strategy at Adore Me. “[We’re] starting to think more in a brand building way, in a top of funnel way.”

In the past, the DTC lingerie brand has relied heavily on linear television advertising for brand awareness. Facebook and other social media platforms have been key driver’s in the brand’s customer acquisition efforts, Roy added. But in light of an increasingly crowded digital advertising marketplace, rising costs and data privacy changes, Adore Me has taken a second look at digital video on YouTube and OTT to balance out the brand’s media mix for both brand awareness and customer acquisition, especially as technology has brought better targeting and measurement capabilities to video advertising. 


In a recent campaign, the women’s underwear brand moved to target men as a demographic specifically for its home try-on service, from a gifting perspective. The video spots ran across lifestyle networks as well as news and sports. They’re also extending the audience beyond the female target to reach male and Hispanic audiences, with custom creative for each, per Adore Me. 

“There’s certainly more effort and opportunities around targeting and a better understanding of how your spend is going,” Roy said. “Trying to balance the platform acquisition instincts with that brand building side is something culturally, we’ve definitely gone through as a challenge.”










