
Morketing每日监测7.21:字节跳动、阿里巴巴投资乐华娱乐;TikTok推出全新广告产品Spark Ads;河南暴雨成灾,企业界纷纷驰援

Claire  · 2021-07-21 16:30

【摘要】 每日营销资讯





荣耀在国内市场已经开始恢复元气,并且新荣耀与过去追求的“性价比”打法截然不同。在智能手机行业格局剧变之时,新荣耀的定位也不再是过去对标小米的互联网手机品牌,而是寻找机会踊跃争取空白的中高端产品市场。IDC中国研究经理王希表示,“从IDC内部数据来看,6月,荣耀在中国市场的份额已回升至10%以上。” 此前国内“华米OV”四巨头对立的智能手机市场格局,或将在未来产生剧烈的动荡。








苹果CEO蒂姆·库克在微博称,我们心系受到河南省洪水影响的每个人以及在一线保护人们安全的救援人员。Apple 将捐款支持当地的救援和重建工作。



















Aslada Gu出任GUSTO LUXE新部门产品与创新总监


奢侈品牌综合数字代理公司Gusto Luxe于7月20日正式宣布任命Aslada Gu为新部门的产品与创新总监。未来,她将负责领导新业务和解决方案的开发,着力于技术、客户体验和影响力营销。履新后,她将常驻上海,并向公司创始合伙⼈Nick Cakebread汇报工作




毛戈平 × Adobe 寻找「人间 PS」


近日,毛戈平联合 Adobe 官方旗舰店,在淘宝造物节推出「人间 PS 光影底妆礼盒」,并开设「人间 PS 体验馆」。现场,用户可亲自体验产品游刃于指尖,变身为一件件「PS 工具」,焕发光影魔法,塑造美丽容颜。据悉,毛戈平与 Adobe 还一同寻找「人间 PS」,姓名缩写为 PS 的用户,就有机会获得「人间 PS」豪华大礼。




淘宝造物节上,闲鱼携手代理商赞意推出一款创意十足的「摸鱼真香爆皂盲盒」。这款香皂盲盒,既是香皂,又是盲盒。它的造型是一只黄色的小鱼,让搓香皂的寻常动作,变成「摸鱼真香」的搞笑体验。同时,小鱼的肚里藏着 999 黄金金币或其他种种惊喜,当香皂快用完时,就可以感受到它的盲盒属性。据悉,闲鱼此次在淘宝造物节上首次推出官方剧本杀「摸鱼校尉」,而这款「摸鱼真香爆皂盲盒」正是这场剧本杀的趣味通关奖品彩蛋。












AT&T is reportedly in a rush to offload Xandr because the company is “losing tens of millions” of dollars per year, Axiosreports. Xandr, formerly AppNexus, has been “grossly mismanaged” by AT&T, and InMobi is in talks to pick up the company at a potential fire sale rate (less than $1 billion), according to the report. Microsoft, Mediaocean and Roku reportedly checked out Xandr and passed. AT&T originally acquired AppNexus as the third pillar of what then-CEO Randall Stephenson described as the “Modern Media Company” (media, telecommunications, advertising). But AT&T dispensed with the AppNexus brand, and earlier this year Xandr was subsumed by Warner Media. Xandr has been up for sale since last year, so a handful of active acquirers in the space considering the business doesn’t mean a sale is imminent. Axios suggests talks with InMobi, an Indian mobile advertising company, are closest to a deal.




Just before Google Chrome postponed its phaseout of third-party cookies until late 2023, publishers and advertisers were both optimistic and unprepared, according to Advertiser Perceptions’ latest Cookieless Future Report.

Based on surveys and interviews taken in April and May of this year, the report has the feel of ancient history – but the data is also an interesting “snapshot in time” of the industry, said Advertiser Perceptions EVP of Business Intelligence Lauren Fisher.

Many publishers and advertisers had done little or nothing to develop a first-party data strategy or test new targeting and measurement solutions.

But publishers and advertisers were also optimistic that the changes would be good for the industry and for their businesses.

Seventy-one percent of advertisers and 67% of publishers surveyed by Advertiser Perceptions said they were optimistic that data privacy changes would benefit the industry in the long run.

“When I look back at the rollout of GDPR and CCPA, and look at survey results about preparedness from that time, they were not as optimistic as we see here,” Fisher said.

Some of the industry optimism may stem from GDPR and CCPA prep, Fisher said. Advertisers, publishers and ad tech have already undergone tectonic change that could have collapsed their business. The industry had to trust solutions would emerge to solve for new regulations, when real-world fixes didn’t exist yet.

“They have enough of a blueprint to follow that they generally feel prepared,” she said.

Despite the optimism, the results of the survey indicate the industry needed the deadline extension granted by Google.


TikTok推出全新广告产品Spark Ads


The interruptive nature of many advertisements is an obstacle for brands. When a user’s journey through a platform or an app is disrupted, the favorability they feel for the brand is negatively impacted.

On a fast-moving social platform like TikTok, where the short-form nature of the content is one of its key selling points, that interruption can feel much worse. To avoid that, and to capitalize on some of the strengths of the app and social creation in general, TikTok has launched its new global native advertising format Spark Ads. 

The format allows brands to boost the profile of existing organic content, with the aim of converting the app’s users into both co-creators of the ads themselves and ultimately consumers.

It launched with a campaign with Costa Coffee, which drove over 42m impressions at just a $1.89 (£1.39) CPM. That translated into a 159% increase in followers, or 18,000 new fans.

Creative conversations

The format is in service of bringing brands into the creative conversations TikTok’s users have on the platform. The release accompanying today’s launch stated: “TikTok is made up of creators who are redefining entertainment, starting trends and sharing with the world their take on popular products and services. Brands can now tap into the plethora of creative, diverse content and connect with the creators who help bring these products and services to life.”

The format allows brands to measure the success of their campaigns across KPIs including raw video views and conversion, in addition to allowing them to “amplify existing organic videos”.

Brands can then extend the campaign with Duet features enabled, which allows the community to engage with and build on the creativity. TikTok stressed that by bringing in the community, the format avoids the interruptive or inauthentic nature of many native formats: “With Spark Ads, brands can build long-lasting connections that are authentic and rooted in community while also delivering sustainable and impactful business value.”










