
​Morketing每日监测2.26:​ B站2021年暂不会增加广告量;内衣品牌Ubras广告翻车;施华洛世奇换LOGO

Rita Zeng  · 2021-02-25 18:48

【摘要】 每日营销资讯







屏幕快照 2021-02-25 下午6.14.42.png










理想发布2020年四季度及全年财报。财报显示,2020年四季度,理想实现营收41.5亿元,同比增长65.2%,市场预期38.98亿元;调整后净利润1.154亿元,同比增长621.3%,市场预期亏损1.25亿元。理想汽车2020年总收入为94.6亿元,2019年为2.844亿元;净亏损1.517亿元,同比下降 93.8%。



















今日头条CEO朱文佳,将调任字节系旗下的TikTok,负责产品技术等业务线。目前,朱文佳职务调整和任命还未公布,在字节办公系统飞书中,朱文佳仍是今日头条CEO的头衔。24日,知情人士透露,TikTok业务由Venassa(TikTok原美国总经理瓦妮莎 · 帕帕斯)负责,朱文佳因为个人发展,从业务调整到技术岗位,将会到新加坡研发中心工作,支持TikTok的技术工作。








据报道,知情人士透露,由腾讯支持的中国在线教育平台猿辅导融资至少10亿美元,并已与博宇资本(Boyu Capital)和DCP资本(DCP Capital)等投资者进行了洽谈。对此传闻,猿辅导回应称,该消息并不属实。目前猿辅导没有对外寻求融资。




Reprise任命Vincent  Spruyt领导新团队担任全球首席AI官


近日,埃培智旗下全球效果营销机构Reprise正式宣布任命Vincent Spruyt为全球首席AI官。




在 OPPO 春日短片里偷偷谈恋爱


OPPO Reno5 系列推出新色“恋恋青风”,并携手张宥浩和孙千带来同名宣传片。


屏幕快照 2021-02-25 下午6.09.52.png 




在春节期间,京东物流在品牌升级后的发布了第一个CNY Campaign。













The latest wave of consolidation is in full swing and it’s scrappier than ever. 

Magnite and Spotx. Verve and Nexstar’s digital platform for video ads. Smart Adserver and Capital Croissance. Liveramp and Datafleets. District M and Sharethrough. Kubient. Pubmatic. And now Viant. Those are just some of the more notable mergers, acquisitions and IPOs that have occurred in recent months. In fact, the pace of deals has accelerated to a point that’s left some onlookers puzzled — and for good reason. 

Investors, whether they’re private or public, seem fine with big, initially costly consolidation of ad tech companies. This is largely because revenue growth, not profit, drive corporate value right now. Put another way: It’s as if investors forgot that ad tech is steeped in a lot of uncertainty right now. 

Take Criteo. It’s valued now at $1.9 billion. A year ago Criteo’s stock crashed to a 52-week low after Google said it would block the cookies the ad tech vendor uses to retarget people in the Chrome browser. Google still intends to make its move sometime next year. And as it stands, no one has a viable alternative. Yet, Criteo is worth more today than it was a year ago.

“Nothing makes sense anymore,” said Ratko Vidakovic, founder of ad tech consultancy AdProfs.


Facebook is running a targeted ad campaign to promote the importance of … targeted advertising.

On Thursday, Facebook launched a national push that aims to demonstrate the value of personalized ads, especially for small businesses reeling from the ongoing pandemic.

The campaign, under the title “Good Ideas Deserve To Be Found,” will run across TV, radio and online digital channels, including on Facebook and Instagram, through the spring in the US. The TV spot will air across a bunch of different networks and shows, starting with Good Morning America, World News Tonight, Young Sheldon CBS, NCAA basketball and during the Golden Globes.

The purpose of the campaign is to highlight small businesses that have used personalized ads on Facebook and Instagram to find their audiences and grow their business, like Goat House Farm, a micro-farm in Florida that offers goat yoga classes.

Not addressed is the fact that organic reach on Facebook has been on the decline for years.

Although the context for this campaign is obviously related to Facebook’s ongoing war with Apple over the latter’s impending privacy changes on iOS 14, Andrew Stirk, Facebook’s head of brand strategy, demurs that this is the only reason behind the effort.


California’s privacy law has cost publishers and ad tech firms when it comes to legal fees and compliance software purchases, but it turns out it’s had little to no impact on ad revenues, prices or inventory, according to publishers. Yet despite the lack of immediate impact, companies Digiday spoke with say there are ripple effects from CCPA that they expect to feel in a much more tangible way in the near future.

When Rob Beeler, CEO at digital ad consultancy Beeler.tech conducted an impromptu survey of around two dozen publishers this week, all of them said the California Consumer Privacy Act has had no impact on CPM rates or ad revenue. The law requires website publishers to let residents of the state opt-out from sales of their personal data. “A ton of effort has gone into compliance on the part of publishers, but there is no upside or downside revenue-wise,” he said.

“I’m shocked that we have not seen any impact we can measure from CCPA,” said Clark Benson, CEO of pop culture list publisher Ranker. “We expected something.”

Since July 2020, ad tech firm Centro has removed ad inventory from its ad auctions if there’s a CCPA-related opt-out signal associated with it. But, said Derek Zolner, vp of legal affairs at the company, CCPA has “not made a meaningful change in our supply and demand.”


Delivery wine brand Usual Wines has gotten the jump on first-party data by utilizing SMS and text messaging communication in its marketing strategy.

Since its founding in 2019, the direct-to-consumer wine brand has cultivated a two-way relationship with consumers, encouraging wine drinkers to directly ask the brand about everything from wine and cheese pairings to delivery status updates. The company began using text and SMS in 2019. But last year, it generated more than 20% of the brand’s revenue at that time via directly attributed orders, said Usual Wines CEO and co-founder Matt Dukes.

In turn, the brand is able to utilize what it learns from consumers to inform its marketing strategy, blog content and even product development, which most recently led to a new rosé.

Meaning: fans can tell them in real time if it’s something they’re interested in seeing.

“We were able to effectively validate the product even before building and selling it based on having that direct line of communication,” Dukes said.

Phone numbers, email addresses and website reviews are important for the brand as part of its two-fold effort to grow its consumer database and its community. The brand’s strategy is evolving as consumer privacy is getting new attention.



The most widely discussed model for digital identity revolves around authentication, which involves a logged-in user base and requires that the publisher and advertiser agree to use some form of hashed email as a primary match key for audience targeting.

LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution, Zeotap’s offering and Unified ID 2.0 are all good examples of this approach, and there are others working on their own. Assuming the proper consents are in place this model can thrive in a world without third-party cookies.


During our round robin meetings, we kept hearing folks talk about fingerprinting or probability modeling as potential mechanisms to replace user-level tracking for iOS and on Chrome.

But Apple’s ATT framework explicitly bans tracking without a user’s opted-in consent, and Google quite clearly bans fingerprinting in its proposals for third-party cookie alternatives. There’s no reason to think it won’t also eventually be banned in relation to the Google ad ID.









