

Rita Zeng  · 2020-11-05 21:43

【摘要】 「Morketing·营销人早报」由Morketing Group出品,专门为营销人提供的每日早报,每日早8点整更新,围绕全球移动互联网、数字营销、广告主动态、互联网流量平台、服务机构、精彩案例,及全球营销趋势观察等展开,每天精选15-20条相关新闻,其中还包含5条海外新闻。 Morketing,提升营销人的全球连接效率。营销人的一天,从读「Morketing·营销人早报」开始。





据彭博援引消息人士透露,奥地利珠宝品牌Swarovski 施华洛世奇股东已经批准了公司125年历史上最大的一项企业重组行动,将裁员6000人,约占公司员工总数的20%。实际上,今年6月施华洛世奇就曾宣布在全球范围内裁员600人,后于7月决定裁减1600人。


全球最大美妆集团欧莱雅正在加速对亚洲、中东和非洲等新兴市场的调整,于日前任命Frédéric Rozé为全球首席增长官,负责协同集团在全球各地区的事务,并制定全球增长战略,所有区域负责人和旅游零售业务主管都将向Frédéric Rozé汇报。




据企查查数据显示,麦片品牌王饱饱的主体公司杭州饱嗝电子商务有限公司于10月30日及11月2日完成了两次工商变更,新增股东Matrix Partners China VI Hong Kong Limited和珠海律恒股权投资合伙企业(有限合伙),这两者分别为经纬创投和高瓴资本旗下基金的投资主体,以此推测王饱饱获得了新一轮投资。






苏宁经营业绩已经连续 6 年亏损

苏宁易购发布三季报显示,今年前三季度实现营业收入 1808.62 亿元,同比减少 10.02%;实现归母净利润 5.47亿元,同比减少 95.40%;实现扣非归母净利润 -10.09 亿元,上年同期为-41.52亿元。自 2014 年以来苏宁易购的扣非归母净利润已经连续 6 年为负。


继发布双 11 广告片,倡导“要消费,不要消费主义”的观念后,网易严选又于 4 日晚些时间宣布将退出双十一大战。并在“退战信”中表示,退出“鼓吹过度消费,为销售数字狂欢的双十一”,并表示今年双十一,其不做复杂优惠玩法,但会有全年最大力度补贴;不发战报,不再为销售额开庆功会。









数字化营销服务商“直客通”已完成 5000万美元D轮融资,本轮由元璟资本领投,中青旅红奇基金联合领投,启元投资Axiom Asia、红杉资本中国基金、顺为资本、沂景资本跟投,光源资本担任独家财务顾问。据介绍,本轮融资资金将主要用于技术迭代创新和业务扩展。






当下年轻人离不开的两类饮品——奶茶和酒。香飘飘抓住年轻人的两大喜好,联合白酒品牌泸州老窖,推出全新的酒味奶茶桃醉双拼奶茶。另外更借助办公室老板谈话、宅家看剧、出门穿搭等三个场景,以魔性幽默为基调,创意性打造三条 #这一杯,我飘了# 系列视频。



2018Q3-2020Q3 Facebook广告收入及增长率

屏幕快照 2020-11-06 上午9.38.14.png





We’re entering the 2.0 era of CTV. Many brands are gaining confidence that CTV provides extended reach to their linear TV campaign due to the new tools available in the market this year. The question “Does CTV provide incrementality?” (a conclusive “yes”) is giving way to questions about how to optimize frequency by content partner, device and OS. Some advertisers are even challenging agencies to consider what a CTV-first awareness strategy might entail.

Streaming now accounts for about 25% of time spent on TV but only 12% of ad spend. Why? In mobile, the initial inability to measure reach and impact stymied widespread adoption. It took about a decade for mobile advertising to catch up to consumer time spent. Similar issues have kept some marketers from investing in CTV at scale. While CTV is maturing, it’s still new enough that when it’s used experimentally, there’s less rigor about setting goals, guarantees and using KPIs to measure progress.

In a streaming-first world, marketers need to move faster than ever. Deploying a consistent set of translatable metrics can shrink the time it takes to build that knowledge and confidence. Marketers tend to ask three fundamental questions and there are a set of metrics that can be used consistently to address them.

《消费者隐私权法案》(CCPA 2.0)在加利福尼亚通过

The Consumer Privacy Rights Act, on the ballot as Proposition 24, has been approved by voters in California, passing with 56.1% of the vote.

We are thrilled to announce the passage of #Prop24, the California Privacy Rights Act, with a decisive majority of Californians supporting the measure to strengthen consumer privacy rights. #California once again makes history and leads the nation!

— Yes on Prop 24 — Californians for Consumer Privacy (@caprivacyorg) November 4, 2020 Californians for Consumer Privacy, the grassroots organization that helped put CPRA on this year’s ballot, is the same group that inspired the ballot initiative in 2018 that later became the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

CPRA becomes enforceable on July 1, 2023, with a lookback to January 2022.


As 2020 wore on, it became apparent that the coronavirus pandemic was a crisis that wasn’t going to be limited to a couple of quarters of disruption.

After some initial pauses in spend, many marketers have now retooled and have moved out of response mode and adapted to an environment where consumers and businesses are getting used to living with Covid-19.

Digiday analyzed the most-recent earnings updates and calls from the top 10 ad spenders in the world, according to RECMA’s data for 2019 to see how they are adapting their marketing strategies to the ongoing crisis. RECMA’s data calculates “integrated spending,” which combines “monitored spend” — such as TV, radio, print and outdoor — and “non-traditional activity” —such as digital, data and content.

The ranking also includes new entrants versus 2018. Nestle, Expedia and General Motors now appear in the top 10, while GlaxoSmithKline (ranked #7 in 2018,) McDonald’s (#9) and Comcast (#10) no longer feature.

  1. Procter & Gamble: ‘A time to spend forward’ on advertising (2019 integrated spend: $12.2 billion)

Much like the previous two quarters, Procter & Gamble has continued to be a beneficiary of the pandemic as consumers stocked up on home cleaning and hygiene products. Net sales were up 9% versus a year ago to $19.3 billion on an organic basis and the company recorded a 19% lift in net profit.


It’s been a little under four months since Apple threw the mobile advertising companies and publishers into a spin by announcing new privacy changes that will require app developers to ask users for permission before using their data to track them across third-party websites and apps.

Much of the flustering centered around the wildly differing industry interpretations about exactly which parts of the ad tech sausage factory the tightened rules would apply to. As I wrote back in July, ad tech experts noted there were “significant gray areas” within the documentation Apple had released at the time.

A few weeks ago (September 25, according to the Wayback machine), Apple quietly added a “frequently asked questions” section to the “user privacy and data use” page on its developer site. Seemingly, this section was published to clear up the confusion, though it launched with so little fanfare that many ad tech experts I spoke to only stumbled across the update last week — including those whose business models are inextricably tied to the way Apple’s identifier for advertisers (IDFA) currently works.


After plummeting in late March and April at the outset of the coronavirus crisis, media companies’ advertising businesses have been on the rebound in the second half of 2020, and that recovery has ramped up in October.

One media executive said their company’s October revenue was up by double-digit percentage points over last October. A second media executive said their company was set to rake in nearly as much revenue in October as it did in the entire second quarter. And an executive at a third media company said its October revenue had exceeded the second quarter mark.

Comparisons made against the second quarter are not exactly fair. For many media companies, the immediate period after the coronavirus crisis pushed people to quarantine and advertisers to cut spending was when the ad market bottomed out. Media companies had hoped that the easing of shelter-at-home orders would spur advertisers to start spending again in the third quarter and then pick up in the fourth quarter, heading into the U.S. presidential election and the holiday shopping season.

“Everyone was planning for Q4 this year to be a big one. Political has had a lot to do with that,” said a fourth media executive. GroupM projected that political advertisers would spend $15 billion on advertising this year, including $1 billion on digital ads.









