
Morketing每日监测5.29:宜家开设国内首家市中心店;周深出任花西子品牌大使;微信首次回应WeTool被封事件;Google Discovery广告现已在全球范围内提供;

Rita Zeng  · 2020-05-29 08:30

【摘要】 每日营销资讯




宜家中国首家市中心店落户静安寺南京西路,将于今夏开业。静安寺店分三楼,一楼是家居用品区,二楼是家具展间,三层是宜家餐饮和社交空间,共 3000 平方米空间,将采用线上线下结合的模式,提供 DIY 定制家具、设计师设计等服务。此前宜家的门店选址策略此前一直在城市较为周边的地区。


5 月 25 日,百草味上线儿童食品系列“童安安小朋友”,定位 3-12 岁儿童群体,产品已在天猫旗舰店开售。此次上新产品是“童安安小朋友”的 1.0 版本,以加入益生菌、DHA、蛋白质、钙等营养物质及减少油、盐、糖等添加剂为特色。


4 月 22 日,以「东方彩妆」定位的花西子宣布歌手周深出任品牌大使。成立于 2016 年的花西子,是这两年彩妆届异军突起的国货新锐品牌。定位「东方彩妆」,花西子主打中国美学以及温和养肤的成分。













QQ 音乐与喜茶开了一家“灵感音乐公司”


近日,QQ 音乐携手喜茶共同打造的“灵感音乐公司”正式营业,在 QQ 音乐内搜“灵感”即可解锁趣味 H5 灵感专辑,用户可根据自己的音乐喜好来制作具有个人 style 的专辑,同时在“灵感音乐公司”中用户可以通过分享活动赢得联名播放器皮肤,以及通过积分打榜形式,获得喜茶 × QQ 音乐的“灵感音乐公司礼盒等。












蔚来发布2020年第一季度财报,财报显示,蔚来第一季度营收13.7亿元,同比下降51.8%,市场预期12.87亿元;净亏损16.918亿元,同比下降35.5%。蔚来预计二季度营收在33.684亿元至35.342亿元之间, 环比增加约145.5%至157.6%,同比增加约123.3%至134.3%。


惠普周三盘后公布了2020财年第二财季财报。财报显示,第二财季净营收125亿美元,同比下降11.2%。 净利润为7.64亿美元,比去年同期的7.82亿美元下降2.3%。



携程一季度净营业收入为47亿元,同比下降 42%,高于彭博一致预期的40.97亿元。归属于携程集团股东的净亏损为54亿元,由盈转亏;对比去年同期净利润为46.13亿元,上季度净利润为20亿元。









TikTok代运营及MCN机构吃鲸MCN完成天使轮数百万人民币融资,投资方为安徽百舟互娱网络股份有限公司。吃鲸MCN主要服务于TikTok,业务包含TikTok代运营、企业培训和TikTok MCN ERP等。






5月27日,分众传媒发布公告回应深交所中小板公司管理部问询函称,公告表示,经自查,公司不存在配合客户虚增广告费用的情形,不存在确认广告收入后又以其他方式返还客户的情形。公告提到,“瑞幸咖啡”自 2018 年起分别在分众传媒电梯媒体、影院媒体发布广告。截至目前,分众已收回两年又一期内对瑞幸咖啡实现销售收入的全部款项。分众传媒一季度数据显示,分众传媒从瑞幸咖啡处获得6853.45万元的楼宇媒体销售收入,两年一期的合计销售收入为4.66亿元。










针对WeTool被封一事,微信回应称,微信一直在加强打击、重点治理外挂软件,并呼吁用户不要使用此类外挂服务,不要把自己的微信帐号、密码以及验证码等信息交给陌生人,以免带来隐私、财产安全等多种风险。微信表示,所有经用户投诉、并被核实确认有使用外挂行为的帐号,依据国家相关法律法规及《腾讯微信软件许可及服务协议》《微信个人帐号使用规范》 ,将按照阶梯性处罚原则进行限制,包括不限于限制功能、限制登录等处罚。




阿里巴巴:女生不买服装和包包 拖累中国电商业务增长












Google Discovery广告现已在全球范围内提供


Google is positioning Discovery ads as a way to better reach shoppers online.


Google Discovery ads, initially introduced at Google Marketing Live last May, were finally—and quietly—rolled out to all advertisers worldwide last month after an extended testing period that had been expected to come to a close at the end of 2019.


The new capability gives advertisers access to: Google’s Discover feed, which provides updates on topics that users have expressed an interest in, via Android devices and the mobile version of its Chrome browser; the Google Search application; and the “minus one” screen on Android devices, where news and other content curated by Google appears.


Google claims its Discovery ads reach up to 2.9 billion people across multiple platforms, including Gmail social tabs and YouTube’s Watch Next feeds, via a single campaign.


“We wanted to try to make it easy to get advertisers into all of those premium surfaces via one campaign,” Jerry Dischler, vice president and general manager of ads platforms and Google properties, told Adweek.


Google is positioning this program as a way to better reach shoppers online, claiming that 86% of online consumers are on the lookout for shopping ideas while watching videos or exploring content across the web, while more than 90% discover new brands or products via YouTube Watch Next and hundreds of millions of people use the Google Search app.




When Chinese consumers were on lockdown because of the coronavirus earlier this year, they entertained themselves with livestreams of blind dates for their pets, vicarious restaurant meals and mask makeup tutorials, to name a few activities. They also bought a lot of stuff.


Now, Chinese ecommerce site JD.com has partnered with livestreaming platform Kuaishou to take this burgeoning behavior a step forward by enabling in-app shopping within livestreams.


JD and Kuaishou are in the process of selecting products, according to a blog post, and starting June 16, Kuaishou’s 300 million daily active users will be able to purchase said products from JD in the Kuaishou app.


Fulfillment and customer care will come from JD, which will also provide insights into consumer behavior to enhance marketing to app users. It builds on a partnership dating back to June 2019, when Kuaishou announced users could view JD products in the Kuaishou app, but were redirected to JD to make purchases.


“Since the beginning of this year, short video livestreaming in ecommerce has been developing rapidly,” said Kuaishou CEO Su Hua in a statement. “This collaboration will bring an even more high-quality shopping experience to Kuaishou’s users.”




Google detailed some new features aimed at helping small and midsized businesses stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic.


Google Maps senior vice president of geo Jen Fitzpatrick said in a blog post, “We’ve seen firsthand in Google Search and Maps the impact that Covid-19 has had on small businesses and how they connect with their customers. People across the world are looking for ways to continue supporting corner bookstores, local watering holes, beloved dance studios and other businesses that give their neighborhoods character—even if it’s from a distance.”


Support links are being extended to 18 additional countries, including Italy, Japan and Spain. The feature enables merchants to add a donation link, gift card link or both to their Business Profiles, along with a message explaining how the funds that are raised will be used.


Google teamed up with GoFundMe and PayPal on the donations component, while eligible partners for gift card offerings include Clover, Square, Toast and Vagaro.




Creative optimization is one of the most effective tactics that mobile growth marketers can use to boost performance.


But it’s also a pain in the butt.


User acquisition managers must test an enormous amount of creative assets by size, color, copy and placement type before they find those that really work for specific pockets of traffic on certain platforms, often just in time for ad fatigue to set in.


That’s a heavy lift for an in-house team and sucks up a lot of resources, said Vladimir Ilchenko, head of user acquisition at Veraxen, a casual game developer based in Cyprus and Belarus.


To alleviate some of that burden, Veraxen has been testing a tool from mobile demand-side platform Appreciate that automatically generates multiple variations of a developer’s existing ads. The tool, dubbed Creative Wizard, was released on Thursday.

The idea is for the creative process to become automatically iterative, said Rachael Alter, Appreciate’s head of business development.


HBO Max如何在拥挤的流媒体世界中找到自己的位置


Make room Netflix. And Disney+. And Amazon Prime. And Hulu. And Peacock. And Apple TV Plus. HBO Max is here. Better late than never.

WarnerMedia’s big bet on streaming — $15 a month for prestige HBO content and mass-market fare from the WarnerMedia library like “Friends” and “The Lord of the Rings” — is debuting at an inauspicious time. There is a pandemic raging and the economy is slipping into a recession some analysts are comparing to the Great Depression. What’s more, it is debuting into a bewildering landscape of streaming services that inevitably beg the question: How can HBO Max possibly reach its goal of 50 million subscribers in 2025?

For HBO Max to succeed, WarnerMedia will have to thread the “mastige” needle and establish its streaming service as the Disney+ for adults, a more curated option for grown-ups weary of sifting through Netflix for something to watch but with a variety well beyond HBO’s existing high-minded “gallery” approach.

It’s easy to doubt AT&T-owned WarnerMedia pulling this off. After all, Kantar analysis prepared for The New York Times indicates most people typically pay for just three platforms. The streaming dance is already crowded enough, with dance cards filled and a recession hitting wallets. What’s more, HBO Max is twice the price of Disney+.

All that said, WarnerMedia has a position of strength. With a built-in base of existing HBO subscribers and a library of familiar TV and movie fare, HBO Max has a shot at becoming adults’ preferred supplement to Netflix. If the streaming must-buys for households with kids are Netflix and Disney+, then those without may sub in HBO Max. Many want to position HBO Max as a Netflix rival, but it’s more of an add-on, competing more for second or third place as the top slot.









