
​ Morketing·营销人早报9.9:骑手文章刷屏,美团称暂不回应,饿了么发布多等5分钟功能;奇葩低俗广告刷爆网,360借条致歉;植物肉制造商Beyond Meat将在浙江省建加工厂

Sylvia Ma  · 2020-09-09 08:01

【摘要】 每日营销资讯

「Morketing·营销人早报」由Morketing Group出品,专门为营销人提供的每日早报,每日早8点整更新,围绕全球移动互联网、数字营销、广告主动态、互联网流量平台、服务机构、精彩案例,及全球营销趋势观察等展开,每天精选15-20条相关新闻,其中还包含5条海外新闻。



1 美国运动品牌Under Armour拟裁员600人

美国运动品牌Under Armour周二宣布,计划在全球裁减约600名员工,因疫情冲击其业务。该公司预计此举将产生约2.35亿美元开支,包括1.35亿美元的合同终止及其它重组费用。

2 植物肉制造商Beyond Meat将在浙江省建设加工厂

美国植物肉汉堡和香肠制造商Beyond Meat将在中国东部省份浙江省建立两处工厂,这是其进入中国替代蛋白市场的最大举措。据公司周二的声明,设在嘉兴经济技术开发区的工厂靠近上海这个特大城市,有望“在几个月内开始试生产,并在2021年初全面投产”。

3 周黑鸭将以加盟方式进驻澳门,拓展大湾区市场


4 连咖啡:门店已全部关闭,将主营预包装产品



1 奇葩低俗广告刷爆网 360借条致歉


2 骑手文章刷屏,美团称暂不回应,饿了么回应称发布多等5分钟功能


3 《花木兰》上线拉动Disney+下载量激增68%,付费增193%


4 原西瓜视频负责人宋健已正式加盟百度,担任好看视频总经理


5 两大直播平台因“黑公关”起纷争 斗鱼被判向虎牙赔偿损失1元


6 趣头条米读日活用户近1000万



1 企业(组织)数字化组织在线服务商“鑫蜂维”获近亿元A轮融资


2 电商领域AI公司“微洱科技”完成数亿元B轮融资



1 苹果第三支隐私广告片 OVER SHARING

2 七匹狼×饿了么:饿狼餐厅

3  papi 酱代言 YeeHoO 英氏


1   GWI:意见领袖的世代报告



2   Adobe:2020亚太地区营销展望



01 2020年的网红营销–我们是否还反感它?

What is Influencer Marketing?

Social media influencers are individuals who create content promoting certain brands through social media sites like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. This is a marketing strategy used by brands who hire these influencers to increase their interactions with their target customers online, increasing their brand awareness and recognition, increasing sales.

These influencers have built a following online through their prominent personal branding.

02 营销中的情感力量

The Benefits of Taking Advantage of Emotional Marketing

Emotional marketing is the way for any company to turn the power of emotions to their advantage, and it comes with plenty of benefits. With this strategy, you don’t just build a marketing campaign. You build a strong relationship with the audience that will carry you through. You manage to achieve marketing success.

03 Google和Facebook支付新闻费用的斗争最引人

For over a decade, regional publishers have been battling with Google, and more recently Facebook, to reimburse them for distributing publisher content on their free platforms. Those spats seem to be heating up as publisher pursuit of revenue during the coronavirus-induced recession becomes increasingly fraught.

While the skirmishes differ in each region, there are a few recurring similarities; regulators want to “level the playing field” on monopolistic tech platforms so publishers can be remunerated for the content shared. Critics and platforms attest that regulators don’t understand — and are not quick enough — to adapt to internet-based business models.

04 在对数字内容的需求推动下,in-house创意团队的工作量提升82%

The latest report from the WFA and The Observatory International offers another sign that marketers — at least at large, global companies — are accelerating the in-housing of key functions during the pandemic. For their research, the groups polled 53 advertisers that represent a collective $83 billion in annual U.S. media spending.

The demand for digital content is helping to grow scale for in-house offerings, as channels like streaming command the attention of homebound consumers, while traditional channels like TV and out-of-home face severe disruptions. Video production, video and social media are some of the core creative services being handled internally, the report revealed. Among multinational marketers with in-house creative units, 94% have capabilities around digital content — a figure considerably higher than other areas like media planning and buying, where only about half of surveyed marketers have in-house operations.

05 “我们没有传统媒体的负担”:一家新兴机构控股集团MD的自白

How has the holding group fared in 2020 so far?

Our balance sheet in the first quarter showed a slight decline and the second quarter was tough, but we’ve seen positive signs since May. We can’t be negative given we saw some growth during that quarter, unlike the traditional holding groups. The benefit we have is we don’t have the burden of traditional media. The reality is that while we work with a lot of global advertisers there’s a small amount of marketing and comms budget that sits with us. What that means is it’s easier for us to manage budget cuts. If a client cuts a $10 million budget with us down to $5 million then its a lot easier for us to get that back then it would be if we were Omnicom trying to go from $60 million back to $100 million. We’re also not exposed by being heavily reliant on a handful of clients.









